Shooting with Clean Cut Media

Sam Curtis joined Clean Cut Media this year and here he tells us just how it’s been!

“It is great being at Clean Cut Media. I started working for the company as a camera operator in March and quickly got to know the team. Everyone here is really friendly and really cares about the video content they are producing. If you’re ever stuck on a project you can always rely on someone to help you out, especially with tight deadlines.

I’m also getting familiar with the state of the art camera equipment at this company having recently filmed a short project for the British Council. When I have a break at work I film in the local area and try out an assortment of professional kit lenses. Moreover, they have given me the chance to develop my pre editing and producer roles. This involves sourcing archiving footage, transcribing interviews and assisting the lead producers of the magazine show ATP Uncovered.

At Clean Cut Media, you are able to put what you’ve learnt into action I’m looking forward to working on some upcoming ATP tournaments and continuing to improve my editing skills on Avid and After Effects. In the future, I am to have a broad skillset in order to be an all round assistant to all of the members of the team as well as our clients.

Wish me luck!